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Trades Portal
New Trades Portal is live!
Our new trades portal is ready for all of our Trades in our Direct Insurance and EOL Teams nationally.
Phase 1 (QLD, NSW & ATC) is already active and Phase 2 (VIC, TAS, SA & WA) date TBC for 2024.
Trades need to register their users for access to receive work. No users, no work!
1. To request new users please contact BBG IT on (03) 6185 3614 or email it@baybuilding.com.au with your new users full name, email address, ABN #, Company name and if they are to be set up as a Manager or Reports only. Please note generic or shared logins will not work so please request individual accounts.
2. Your users will receive an email to set them up as a user. Please use the BBG Trade Portal Work Instruction – Log into Crunchwork (below in the training section) to set up and access the trades portal
3. Once your users have received confirmation that set up was successful, click here for the link to Crunchwork, the new Trade Portal, or paste this url in your Microsoft Edge web browser – https://bbg.unitycloud.io/
If you have any questions, please contact our procurement team on procurement@baybuilding.com.au.
- Trades Portal Phase 1 is live in QLD, NSW & ACT for our BBS Direct Insurance Trades.
- If you are a registered trade for BBS Direct Insurance in QLD, NSW & ACT and have received an email with work allocation, if not already done, you will need to set up your users to access the Trades Portal.
- New work allocations now being sent from Crunchwork (as well as old trades portal as we work through old jobs).
- Phase 2 date for 2024 to be confirmed and will affect BBS Direct Insurance and BBS EOL Trades in VIC, TAS, SA & WA , you can expect email correspondence from our teams.
- As of 29 January 2024, if not already created, Phase 1 Trades can nominate new users using the new onboarding form:
- New users, nominated by their company, will receive communication emails throughout the set up process. Some will require users to take action so we can set up their account.
- Once set up, access the Crunchwork portal using this link: https://bbg.unitycloud.io/
- Accept new work allocations in the Crunchwork system by clicking the hyperlink in the work allocation email received or directly in the portal (Pulse module – Jobs Search)
- Phase 2 date TBC for 2024 and will affect BBS Direct Insurance Trades & Suppliers in VIC, TAS, SA & WA.
- All registered trades can expect to received email communication with instructions on how to set up your users.
- We will host online training in the proceeding months. The sessions have been detailed in the Trades Portal Training section below. Please share these dates and times with your team members. Anyone can attend by clicking the links at the scheduled time.
- Our external estimating functionality is also being released and we will start to roll this out across all states.
In our latest release we have made improvements to the Vendor Dashboard.
This will help you easily see from the Vendor Dashboard:
- New Job Offers
- Jobs in Progress
- Complete Jobs (Pending BBG QA & Invoiced)
To help you navigate this we have updated all the training material and created this simple 2 mins video
In December 2023, existing users will have noticed exciting changes in the Trades Portal.
- ‘Complete Pending QA’ status change is now automated.
You no longer need to update the status of the job once you have submitted your vendor completion report or specialist report, to “Complete Pending QA”, this is now automated.
For Make Safe jobs once you submit your invoice and report, your job status will automatically change to “Complete Pending QA” ready for approval.
- User log in changes:
We have also changed the way your users log in and MFA is no longer required. We do require all users to have a unique email address to access the Trade Portal.
All training has been updated to reflect these changes.
Trades Portal Training:
A variety of training is available including training manuals, work flows and detailed work instructions. Click on the training items in the list below to access the documents and videos via the hyperlink.
- Crunchwork Xactimate External Estimating
- Vendor Manual
- BBG Trade Portal - Work Flow
- BBG Trade Portal Work Instruction - Receive a job notification
- BBG Trade Portal Work Instruction - Accept or decline a job
- BBG Trade Portal Work Instruction - Complete reports
- BBG Trade Portal Work Instruction - Complete quote
- BBG Trade Portal Work Instruction - Submit an invoice
- BBG Trade Portal Work Instruction - Log into Crunchwork
- BBG Trade Portal Cheat Sheet
- BBG Trade Portal Video - Dashboards
- BBG Trade Portal Video - New Job
- BBG Trade Portal Video - Vendor Report
- BBG Trade Portal Video - Submit Invoice
- BBG Trade Portal Video - QA Failed
- Phase 2 BBG Trade Portal Work Instruction - Set up your user access to Trade Portal
- Online Training Session - Thursday 24 January 7.30am (AEST)
- Online Training Session - Monday 29 January 10.30am (AEST)
- Online Training Session - Tuesday 30 January 12.30pm (AEST)
If you are a confirmed Phase 1 or 2 Trade and you have nominated your users, use the system url and your nominated email address to access the system.
Please note the password is your email password. We do not have access to this password and if you change this in the future, you may be required to re-enter it again here.
If you are unsure that you have been set up as a user, please check with your company admin to confirm that you have been nominated as a user. When nominated by your company, you will receive an email asking you to verify your account.
- Please use the email provided by your organisation to sign into the portal.
- Confirm the email address with your business admin / champion.
- Ensure that you are logging in with this email. If you access the microsoft environment with another email address this may be the default email. Please try logging in using incognito mode.
- On your Edge web browser, select the elypsis on the top right hand corner (… 3 dots)
- Select ‘New InPrivate window’
- A new InPrivate tab will open. Try accessing the Trades Portal now
A whole host of training material is available in the section above including manuals, work instructions, cheat sheets and videos. This material will be available online here for you at any time.
Here is the link
You will also receive an email notification of any new works allocated. This will include a link to Crunchwork.
We have created these FAQ’s as a start based off feedback from our trades.
Our procurement team can be contacted to assist and can be contacted on procurement@baybuilding.com.au.
Your local team will also receive training on your portal so they can help with system questions.
You may be zoomed in too much. The system is best viewed at 100% in the edge browser.
Using the elypsis on the top right-hand side of the edge browser (3 dots …); check the zoom is at 100%, any bigger and the display will compact so they are unable to see the status button.
When you have accepted work, invoices will appear as an ‘asset’ in the job.
Complete and submit your invoice with (or after) you have completed your required vendor completion report (or specialist report).
This will trigger the BBG Team to complete QA. Once the QA check has been completed by job manager on works, you will be able to submit your invoice (if not already submitted with your report).
Once submitted, our Finance Team will work to schedule payment. The status of your invoice in the assets tab will display as ‘Approved pending payment’
You can also review the status of your invoice on your dashboards.
The new Trades Portal is being released in phases starting in August 2023.
During the transition, you may need to work on both systems (BBGConnect Trades Portal & Crunchwork Vendor Portal). Our aim is to complete existing work allocations in the existing portal and allocate new work through the new portal.
Our teams are also transitioning (divisions & geographical) in phases. If you receive work across divisions or states, you may receive work allocations in both portals until these too are transitioned.