Project Value: $2.58m
Location: Moorebank, NSW
Date: June 2019
Project Type: Roof Replacement

Grafton, New South Wales was hit with an enormous hail storm, resulting in damaged roofing to the Grafton Regional Industrial Complex. The hail damage created a large impact on the industrial complex’s day to day operations. Bay Building Services were called in to coordinate a range of trades to ensure that the roof could be restored without affect to the tenants of the complex. The complex is home to thirty tenants, so works were implemented to ensure the tenants could continue their day to day functions and avoid any business insurance claims. This was also a hazardous project for the team as there was a great deal of asbestos throughout the complex. With such a dedicated team, the entire replacement of the roof (including asbestos removal and clean-up) was completed in a thee month window, with minimum disruption to the tenants and shop owners.
Project Value: $2.23m
Location: Grafton, NSW
Date: April 2018
Project Type: Roof Restoration (Asbestos)

A major fire at the BALCO hay bale processing plant in regional South Australia resulted not only in millions of dollars’ worth of damages to the plant but also devastated the surrounding farming community and export markets that relied on the hay to feed their dairy cows. Once appointed Bay Building Major Projects proceeded with a full demolition of 6670m2 original building where numerous cranes were used including one that was required to hold 95 tonnes to move baling equipment. Strong winds, extreme heat, size of the site and specialist equipment being used made the works challenging.
Project Value: $8.5m
Location: Bowmans, SA
Date: March 2018
Project Type: Restoration of Processing Plant

In January 2016, this industrial tyre recycling plant suffered extensive damage caused by a devastating blaze. With significant loss of rent and Business Interruption associated with this claim, along with the risk of market share loss to competitors, the Bay Major Projects team were appointed to deliver an effective reinstatement solution for all stakeholders which would minimise the impact to the factory operations.
Project Value: $600k
Location: Broadmeadows, VIC
Date: January 2016
Project Type: Industrial

Enviroflex Insulation was ravaged by fire in April 2014. when machinery within the facility caught fire, causing extensive destruction. The site, measuring over 1220m2, sustained fire damage to the majority of the factory with the entire roof, all walls, and all offices on the mezzanine level having to be replaced. Bay Major Projects carried out both Make Safe and then complete restoration works to the property to ensure that the business was able to continue their operations throughout the repair process, thus minimising Business Interruption and financial loss to the business owners.
Project Value: $450k
Location: Knoxfield, VIC
Date: December 2014
Project Type: Industrial

An accidental fire engulfed this industrial building in Dandenong which was at the time housing a line-marking factory. The blaze resulted in extensive damage, completely destroying the roof of the factory building as well as the western and southern walls, which required demolition and heavy machinery excavation. Bay Building Services Make Safe and Major Projects teams worked hard to restore this property in 12 weeks.
Project Value: $350k
Location: Dandenong, VIC
Date: June 2014
Project Type: Industrial

A fire engulfed this busy factory, responsible for the production of railway lines, causing significant damage to a building that was approx 54m long x 13m wide. It was necessary to remove and replace 700m2 of wall sheeting as well as approximately 730m2 of roof and wall purlins. The team of roofers, electricians and painters all worked very efficiently together to ensure this project was completed within just 7 days, thus minimising business interruption.
Project Value: $130k
Location: Castlemaine, VIC
Date: April 2014
Project Type: Industrial

Bay Building Services Major Projects team carried out fire rectification works at a large factory in Keysborough. The factory sustained both fire and chemical damage as a result of a large fire which engulfed the building in October 2012. Bay Building Services were able to overcome the immense scale and height of the damaged areas and complete all repairs within a strict time frame, thus ensuring minimal disruption and loss.
Project Value: $1,000,000
Location: Keysborough, VIC
Date: October 2012
Project Type: Industrial